Skincare In's & Out’s for 2024

Skin Care Trends For 2024

Welcome to 2024, a year that promises to be a turning point in the world of skincare! Hi, I'm Morgan from Enlightened Beauty, and today, I'm excited to guide you through the latest trends that are shaping our approach to skincare. 

As we step into this new year, the simple act of embracing your understanding what's in and what's out, will help ensure that our skincare routines are not just trendy but also effective and healthy.

At Enlightened Beauty, we believe in being ahead of the curve, understanding that true beauty comes from a balance of external care and internal wellness. This year, we're seeing the beauty industry catch up with what we've always known: that skincare is a reflection of our overall health and the choices we make. 

So, join us as we explore the skincare trends of 2024, diving into the practices we'll be adopting and those we'll be leaving behind, all in the pursuit of healthier, more vibrant skin.

Skincare Out’s for 2024

Fragrance in Skincare and Body Products

This year, we're encouraging you to embrace a significant shift — and that’s consciously moving away from fragrances in skincare and body products. Fragrances, while pleasing to the senses, can be hidden culprits of skin irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. 

This rings especially true for those who deal with skin conditions such as eczema or rosacea. Let’s stay focused on what truly matters here. What matters more than your skincare smelling “good”? Your skincare being effective!

Not Understanding the Body Connection to Skin Problems

A trend we're leaving behind is the ignorance of the body-skin connection. At Enlightened Beauty, we've always recognized that mental and physical health directly impacts skin health. In 2024, we're moving away from a superficial approach to skincare that ignores the deeper connection between our body's health and our skin. For too long, many have tried to mask skin symptoms without understanding or addressing the underlying causes, which often stem from internal imbalances or lifestyle factors.

When we overlook the link between our physical and mental well-being and our skin's health, we miss out on addressing key issues. For example, chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, manifesting as acne or premature aging on the skin. Similarly, dietary choices can significantly impact skin conditions like inflammation or dryness.

On the flip side, those who recognize and embrace this connection often see more profound and lasting improvements in their skin. By addressing factors such as nutrition, hydration, stress management, and overall health, they tackle the root causes of their skin concerns. This holistic approach leads to healthier, more resilient skin that reflects the body's internal balance.

Skipping Monthly Treatments

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective skincare, and skipping regular treatments is a habit we should all be moving away from. Regular visits to an esthetician are not just a luxury — they are an integral part of a comprehensive skincare regimen. When treatments are skipped or spaced too far apart, the progress made can stall or even regress. For instance, those battling acne or hyperpigmentation may find their conditions fluctuating or worsening without consistent care.

On the other hand, clients who maintain regular appointments often see a marked improvement in their skin's health and appearance. Consistent treatments help in managing ongoing skin concerns, preventing future issues, and ensuring that the skin is receiving the right care at the right time. Whether it's managing the aging process, acne, hydration, or general skin health, regularity is key. In 2024, we're focusing on the importance of sticking to a treatment schedule that aligns with your skin's needs and goals.

Over Exfoliating

This year, we're turning our backs on the trend of over-exfoliation, a practice that has been all too common in skincare routines. Over-exfoliation, whether through physical scrubs or chemical exfoliants, can disrupt the skin's natural barrier, leading to a host of issues. It can strip away essential oils and healthy skin cells, leaving the skin vulnerable to irritation, redness, increased sensitivity, and even breakouts.

The damage from over-exfoliation isn't always immediately apparent, which can lead to a vicious cycle of exfoliating to 'fix' problems caused by exfoliation itself. This can result in a compromised skin barrier, making the skin more susceptible to environmental damage and aging.

In contrast, a balanced approach to exfoliation, one that respects the skin's natural renewal process, can yield far better results. It's about finding the right frequency and type of exfoliation for your skin type and condition. For some, this might mean exfoliating just once a week, while for others, a gentle daily exfoliant might be appropriate.

Skincare In’s for 2024

Skin Cycling

One of the most exciting trends we're embracing in 2024 is skin cycling. This innovative approach involves rotating skincare products and treatments to optimize their effectiveness and give the skin time to recover. The essence of skin cycling lies in its flexibility. It's about alternating between active skincare days and rest days. 

On active days, you might use products with potent ingredients targeted at specific concerns like acne, aging, or pigmentation. Then, you allow your skin to rest and rejuvenate with more hydrating, soothing products. This cycle helps prevent the common pitfalls of over-treatment, such as irritation or sensitivity, while ensuring your skin gets the full benefit of each product.

The key to successful skin cycling is observation and adaptation. Pay attention to how your skin reacts to different products and adjust your routine accordingly. For instance, if you notice dryness or irritation, it might be a sign to extend the rest period in your cycle. The goal is to create a harmonious balance that keeps your skin in its best condition.

Over Hydrating the Skin Inside and Out

In 2024, we're taking hydration to the next level. Over hydrating the skin, both internally and externally, is a trend that's gaining momentum, and it's all about ensuring that your skin gets more than enough moisture to look and feel its best.

Externally, the focus is on layering hydrating products. Start with a hydrating serum rich in ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, followed by a moisturizer that locks in this hydration. Don't forget about hydrating masks and overnight treatments, which can provide an extra boost of moisture while you sleep.

Internally, hydration begins with your diet. Drinking plenty of water is a given, but you can also incorporate water-rich foods into your meals. Think cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and leafy greens, which not only hydrate but also provide essential vitamins and minerals. Herbal teas and broths are another great way to increase your fluid intake while providing additional nutrients.

This dual approach ensures that the skin is hydrated at every level, promoting a plump, healthy, and radiant complexion.

Body Care

This year, body care is getting as much attention as facial skincare. At Enlightened Beauty, we're leading this trend with targeted treatments like back treatments for hard-to-reach areas, Neck & Décolleté add-ons for delicate skin care, and hand peels to rejuvenate one of the most exposed parts of our body.

But body care isn't just for the treatment room. It's equally important to have a body care routine at home. Just like the face, the skin on your body needs regular cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturization. Using body scrubs can help remove dead skin cells and boost circulation, while body butters and oils can deeply hydrate and nourish the skin. Don't forget areas like elbows, knees, and feet, which often need extra attention.

Why is this important? Your skin is your body's largest organ and a protective barrier against the environment. Taking care of it from head to toe not only improves its appearance and texture but also supports its health and resilience.

Package Sustainability

This year, package sustainability is not just a trend, but a commitment we're making at Enlightened Beauty. As we become more conscious of our environmental impact, the importance of sustainable packaging in the skincare industry has never been more evident.

Sustainable packaging involves using materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or made from post-consumer recycled content. This shift is crucial because traditional skincare packaging often contributes to plastic waste, which can take hundreds of years to decompose, harming ecosystems and wildlife.

Why is this important? Sustainable packaging reflects a broader commitment to protecting our planet. It's about taking responsibility for the lifecycle of the products we use and ensuring that our beauty routines contribute positively to the environment. By choosing sustainable packaging, we're taking a step towards a more sustainable future, one product at a time.


Epigenetics is set to revolutionize skincare in 2024, and at Enlightened Beauty, we're at the forefront of this exciting development. Epigenetics, the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work, is increasingly relevant in skincare. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.

In skincare, epigenetics translates to personalized treatments that are tailored to individual genetic profiles. This means that skincare products and routines can be customized based on how your genes interact with your environment, lifestyle, and even your stress levels. For example, if your epigenetic profile indicates a predisposition to dry skin, your skincare routine can be tailored with specific hydrating and barrier-strengthening ingredients.

Epigenetics empowers us to understand the unique needs of our skin on a deeper level. It moves us away from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more personalized and effective skincare regimen. This scientific advancement aligns perfectly with our holistic approach at Enlightened Beauty, as it considers not just the external factors but also the internal mechanisms that influence skin health.

Final Thoughts — Skincare In’s & Out’s For 2024

As we embrace the skincare landscape of 2024, it's clear that the industry is evolving towards more personalized, holistic, and environmentally conscious practices. At Enlightened Beauty, we're not just adapting to these changes — we're leading them. From the innovative approach of skin cycling to the deep hydration focus, comprehensive body care, sustainable packaging, and the groundbreaking field of epigenetics, we're committed to offering skincare that's in tune with both your needs and the needs of our planet.

This year is about understanding that skincare is more than just a routine — it's a reflection of our lifestyle, our environment, and our commitment to overall well-being. We're excited to guide you through these new trends, helping you to not only look your best but feel your best.

Remember, at Enlightened Beauty, your skincare journey is our journey. We're here to support you with the latest in skincare innovation and holistic wellness. Here's to a year of radiant skin, sustainable choices, and personalized care that celebrates the unique beauty in each of us.

Thank you for being part of our community. We can't wait to explore the wonders of 2024 with you!


stay radiant,

— Morgan