Can You Treat Puberty Acne? 4 Reasons To Start Your Preteen's Treatment Sooner


Welcome to the Enlightened Beauty blog! I'm Morgan, the founder of Enlightened Beauty. I’ve been a licensed Esthetician for over a decade, as well as an educator for estheticians, and a certified health coach.

Today, we're addressing a question that many parents face as their children enter the transformative years of puberty: "Is it too early to start treating my child's acne?" 

As an experienced esthetician, I often hear concerns from parents of 12 to 14-year-olds about the right time to begin acne treatment. My response? Absolutely, the earlier, the better.

Puberty is a time of significant change, not just emotionally and physically, but also for your child's skin. It's a period when the first signs of acne often appear, and how we respond to these early signs can set the course for your child's skin health in the years to come. 

In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why starting your preteen's acne treatment sooner rather than later is a step in the right direction for their skin health and self-esteem.

Let’s dive right in!

1. Faster Results with Early Acne Treatment

Choosing acne treatment for your child during those transformative puberty years isn't just proactive — it's a game-changer. When we address acne early, especially in the 12 to 14 age range, we're tapping into the skin's natural resilience and responsiveness. This period is crucial because younger skin has this incredible ability to heal and adapt quickly, making treatments more effective and results more rapid.

Starting acne treatment at the first signs of breakouts can significantly reduce the duration and intensity of acne. This early action is key to preventing those occasional pimples from escalating into more persistent, severe acne.

Treating acne early often means we can keep things gentle. Instead of resorting to harsher treatments down the line, early intervention with an esthetician allows us to use milder, skin-friendly approaches. 

2. Reducing Scarring and Pigmentation with Early Treatment

When it comes to acne, it's not just the immediate breakouts that are a concern — it's also what they can leave behind. Early acne treatment plays a crucial role in preventing long-term skin issues like scarring and pigmentation, especially in the delicate phase of puberty.

Scarring and pigmentation often result from more severe or untreated acne. These marks can linger long after the acne has cleared, affecting the skin's texture and appearance. By addressing acne early, we significantly reduce the risk of these permanent reminders.

Most importantly, early treatment helps maintain the skin's integrity. The less trauma the skin undergoes from repeated breakouts, the less likely it is to develop scars or hyperpigmentation. 

3. Preventing Mild Acne from Becoming Severe

Treating acne when it's still mild can be a decisive factor in preventing it from escalating into a more severe condition. Mild acne, if left unchecked, can develop into more serious forms, characterized by deeper, more painful lesions and a higher risk of scarring. 

By starting treatment early with an esthetician, we can often manage and control acne effectively with less aggressive methods and can significantly reduce the likelihood of needing more intensive dermatological interventions in the future. 

Dermatological treatments for severe acne, such as prescription medications or advanced procedures, can be quite aggressive and come with their own set of challenges and side effects. 

This approach not only spares your child from the physical discomfort of severe acne but also from the emotional and psychological impact it can have. It's about taking a holistic view of your child's skin health, where prevention is key, and early care can mean avoiding more drastic measures down the line.

4. Supporting Your Child's Self-Esteem

The impact of acne on a young person's self-esteem and mental well-being is undeniable, making early treatment not just a physical necessity but an emotional one too. During puberty, a time of heightened self-consciousness, acne can significantly affect how a child perceives themselves and interacts with the world.

Clearer skin, achieved through timely and effective treatment, can lead to a noticeable boost in confidence. As a parent, being able to help your child feel comfortable in their own skin, literally and figuratively, is an amazing feat. When acne is controlled or minimized, it removes a major source of stress and anxiety, allowing them to focus more on their growth, development, and the joys of teenage life.

Establishing a skincare routine early on can instill a sense of responsibility and self-care in young individuals. It teaches them the importance of looking after their health and well-being, lessons that are valuable well beyond skincare.

Practical Tips for Parents

As parents, guiding your preteen through their skincare journey can be as rewarding as it is challenging. Here are some practical tips to help you support your child:

  • Educate About Skincare: Start with the basics. Teach them about different skin types, the importance of cleansing, and how products like moisturizers and sunscreens work.

  • Choose the Right Products: Opt for gentle, non-comedogenic skincare products designed for young, sensitive skin. Avoid harsh ingredients or products (here’s looking at you, St. Ive’s Apricot Scrub) that could aggravate their skin.

  • Establish a Routine: Help your child develop a simple, consistent skincare routine. Consistency is key to managing acne effectively.

  • Encourage Healthy Habits: Share the importance of a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and regular exercise by setting this example yourself. These habits contribute significantly to skin health.

  • Be Supportive: Acne can be emotionally taxing. Offer reassurance and understanding. Avoid blaming or shaming, as acne is a normal part of puberty.

  • Seek Professional Advice: If you’re unsure about how to handle your child’s skin issues, consult with an esthetician for personalized advice to get you started.

Final Thoughts: Treating Puberty Acne

Treating acne during puberty is really about setting your child up for a lifetime of healthy skin and self-confidence to your best ability. Early intervention can prevent acne from becoming a larger problem, reduce the need for more aggressive treatments, and most importantly, support your child's self-esteem during these formative years.

At Enlightened Beauty, we understand the nuances of treating young skin and are here to guide you and your child through this journey. We love meeting, treating and teaching your young ones on maintaining the health of their skin — so don’t hesitate to make an appointment for them!

Remember, the path to clear skin begins with understanding, care, and the right approach. Here's to nurturing not just healthy skin but also happy, confident young individuals.


stay radiant,

— Morgan