6 Benefits & Results of Dermaplaning

6 Benefits of Dermaplaning

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a simple, non-surgical procedure that exfoliates the skin, leaving you with a smoother, brighter complexion. The process helps to expose new layers of skin, so you always have that plump, rejuvenated-looking glow.

The process involves using a scalpel to gently scrape away all of the dead skin cells from your face. There are no chemicals or lasers involved in this procedure - just a sharp blade! 

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

  1. Helps your skin look smoother and younger.

Dermaplaning is a simple procedure that removes the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing a fresh new layer of skin underneath. After dermaplaning, your skin will look brighter, softer and more even-toned. You may also notice fewer wrinkles and blemishes on your face and neck!

2. Your skin will be brighter and take on a glow after dermaplaning.

Your skin will be brighter and take on a glow after dermaplaning because it removes dead skin cells that dull your complexion. Skin is naturally regenerative, but dead cells can get in the way.

With this treatment, the top layer of skin is removed by a licensed esthetician—using a scalpel—to reveal new, fresh skin underneath. The process also opens up pores and allows them to breathe more efficiently so they can absorb nutrients and hydrate better.

3. dermaplaning can improve the way your makeup looks.

If you're a makeup wearer, you know how important it is to have a smooth and even canvas before applying your makeup. After dermaplaning, you will find that your makeup will go on smoothly and you will not see blotches or uneven patches of skin. This helps improve your finished look with makeup and reduces the need to reapply throughout the day.

4. It’s painless!

If you're like most of us, the idea of having your face scraped by a blade sounds terrifying. But dermaplaning is actually non-invasive, and it doesn't harm or traumatize your skin in any way. Dermaplaning is gentle enough to be combined with other procedures such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or facials to enhance results.

5. It is helpful for people who have excess hair and breakouts.

Dermaplaning can also help with acne breakouts by reducing oiliness and sebum production.

Acne and facial hair aren’t always the most desirable combo, and dermaplaning can help with that. 

It’s important to note that dermaplaning should not be confused with waxing and shaving —it's not meant to remove large patches of hair from your face, but does work to remove the fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the surface of the skin.

6. Improves texture, rebuilds collagen, and offers a deep exfoliation.

Dermaplaning also improves the appearance of enlarged pores, scarring, and fine lines. It stimulates collagen production, which helps to reduce signs of aging.

In addition to improving your skin's texture, it's great for those of us with uneven skin tones because it helps lighten pigmentation by increasing circulation in the area.

Dermaplaning: Final Thoughts

Curious about dermaplaning and ready to try it like, right now? While dermaplaning can be done at home, it really should only be done by a professional because it requires skill and experience to ensure you don’t injure yourself. 

We hope this article has been helpful in learning more about dermaplaning and the many benefits that come from adding this service to your skincare regimen. We know that skincare is personal and that everyone's needs are different. That's why we offer a wide range of services to help you get the most out of your skincare routine. 

If you're interested in dermaplaning, book a consultation with us and ask about how you can add it to your treatment of choice. You'll love the results!

— Morgan